Recipes for Initial Conditions

General use of initial conditions

Initial conditions can be included in the model by passing it directly to the Model object. For example, for a uniform distribution centered at 0, do:

from pyddm import Model
from pyddm.models import ICRange
model = Model(IC=ICRange(sz=.2))

Biased starting point

Often we want to model a side bias, either those which arise naturally or those introduced experimentally through asymmetric reward or stimulus probabilities. The most popular way of modeling a side bias is to use a starting position which is closer to the boundary representing that side.

There are two ways to do this in PyDDM, which are equivalent but implemented in different ways. In the first, the upper and lower boundaries of the diffusion process represent the correct and incorrect answer. This scheme, sometimes called “accuracy coding”, is the default for PyDDM. However, it requires a calculation for each trial to determine whether the bias is towards the upper or lower boundary. In the second way, the upper and lower boundaries represent distinct choices, e.g., “left” and “right”. This scheme, sometimes called “stimulus coding”, must be manually activated in PyDDM for a given Model and Sample by choosing names for the boundaries. This allows a much simpler (built-in) InitialCondition object to be used, but it also makes it harder to visualise performance independent of side.

For these examples, we will assume the two chices are “left” and “right”, and that we are implementing side bias to the left or right.

Accuracy coding for biased starting point

Here, the upper boundary will be “the correct response” (whether that is left or right on a given trial) and the lower boundary will be “the incorrect response”. This means the drift rate should always be positive.

First, we must first include a condition in our dataset describing whether the correct answer was the left side or the right side. Suppose we have a sample which has the left_is_correct condition, which is 1 if the (true underlying) correct answer is on the left side, and 0 if the (true underlying) correct answer is on the right side. Now, we can define an InitialCondition object which uses this information. We do this by defining a get_IC() method. This method should generate a discretized probability distribution for the starting position. Here, we want this distribution to be a single point x0, the sign of which (positive or negative) depends on whether the correct answer is on the left or right side. The function receives the support of the distribution in the x argument. We can model this with:

import numpy as np
from pyddm import InitialCondition
class ICPointSideBias(InitialCondition):
    name = "A starting point with a left or right bias."
    required_parameters = ["x0"]
    required_conditions = ["left_is_correct"]
    def get_IC(self, x, dx, conditions):
        start = np.round(self.x0/dx)
        # Positive bias for left choices, negative for right choices
        if not conditions['left_is_correct']:
            start = -start
        shift_i = int(start + (len(x)-1)/2)
        assert shift_i >= 0 and shift_i < len(x), "Invalid initial conditions"
        pdf = np.zeros(len(x))
        pdf[shift_i] = 1. # Initial condition at x=self.x0.
        return pdf

Then we can compare the distribution of left-correct trials to those of right-correct trials:

from pyddm import Model
from pyddm.plot import plot_compare_solutions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
model = Model(IC=ICPointSideBias(x0=.3))
s1 = model.solve(conditions={"left_is_correct": 1})
s2 = model.solve(conditions={"left_is_correct": 0})
plot_compare_solutions(s1, s2)

We can also see these directly in the model GUI:

from pyddm import Model, Fittable
from pyddm.plot import model_gui
model = Model(IC=ICPointSideBias(x0=Fittable(minval=0, maxval=1)),
              dx=.01, dt=.01)
model_gui(model, conditions={"left_is_correct": [0, 1]})

Stimulus coding for biased starting point

Instead of flipping the bias towards the upper or lower boundary, we can define the upper boundary as the left choice and the lower boundary as the right choice. Then, we need to code the choices differently. This can be achieved with two modifications: one to the sample, and the other to the model.

For the Sample, instead of specifying choices by whether the choice was correct or not, we instead need to define them by whether the choice was to the left or the right. This requires a different input format for the data. We can use the “choice_names” argument as follows:

samp = pyddm.Sample.from_pandas_dataframe(df, choice_column_name='choice_side',
                                              choice_names=("Left", "Right"))

This means that the choices specified in df['choice_side'] are 1 if the choice is to the left side and 0 if it is to the right side. Other conditions in the data may need to change their representation as well, e.g., the coding of stimulus strength/coherence.

Then, when creating our model, we must do:

model = pyddm.Model(..., IC=ICPoint(x0=Fittable(minval=-1, maxval=1)), ..., choice_names=("Left", "Right"))

The “choice_names” variable in the model must match the “choice_names” variable in the sample. This construction can be used for either ICPoint or ICPointRatio.

We can also try this out directly in the model GUI. Notice how the GUI no longer labels the sides as “correct” and “error”, but instead, as “left” and “right”:

from pyddm import Model, Fittable, ICPoint
from pyddm.plot import model_gui
model = Model(IC=ICPoint(x0=Fittable(minval=-1, maxval=1)),
              dx=.01, dt=.01, choice_names=("Left", "Right"))

Interpolation of starting points

Individual starting points may fall between a grid spacing when fitting data. If this becomes a problem (e.g., with large dx), it is possible to linearly approximate the probability density function at the two neighboring grids of the initial position. For instance, to do this for the biased initial conditions above:

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
from pyddm import InitialCondition
class ICPointSideBiasInterp(InitialCondition):
    name = "A dirac delta function at a position dictated by the left or right side."
    required_parameters = ["x0"]
    required_conditions = ["left_is_correct"]
    def get_IC(self, x, dx, conditions):
        start_in = np.floor(self.x0/dx)
        start_out = np.sign(start_in)*(np.abs(start_in)+1)
        w_in = np.abs(start_out - self.x0/dx)
        w_out = np.abs(self.x0/dx - start_in)
        if not conditions['left_is_correct']:
            start_in = -start_in
            start_out = -start_out
        shift_in_i = int(start_in + (len(x)-1)/2)
        shift_out_i = int(start_out + (len(x)-1)/2)
        if w_in>0:
            assert shift_in_i>= 0 and shift_in_i < len(x), "Invalid initial conditions"
        if w_out>0:
            assert shift_out_i>= 0 and shift_out_i < len(x), "Invalid initial conditions"
        pdf = np.zeros(len(x))
        pdf[shift_in_i] = w_in # Initial condition at the inner grid next to x=self.x0.
        pdf[shift_out_i] = w_out # Initial condition at the outer grid next to x=self.x0.
        return pdf

Try it out with:

from pyddm import Model, Fittable
from pyddm.plot import model_gui
model = Model(IC=ICPointSideBiasInterp(x0=Fittable(minval=0, maxval=1)),
              dx=.01, dt=.01)
model_gui(model, conditions={"left_is_correct": [0, 1]})

In practice, it is very similar, but the interpolated version gives a smoother derivative, which may be useful for gradient-based fitting methods (which are not used by default).

Fixed ratio instead of fixed value

When fitting both the initial condition and the bound height, it can be preferable to express the initial condition as a proportion of the total distance between the bounds. This ensures that the initial condition will always stay within the bounds, preventing errors in fitting. The “ratio” analog of ICPoint is ICPointRatio, which is built-in to PyDDM. If you want to make it depend on conditions, you can do the following:

import numpy as np
from pyddm import InitialCondition
class ICPointSideBiasRatio(InitialCondition):
    name = "A side-biased starting point expressed as a proportion of the distance between the bounds."
    required_parameters = ["x0"]
    required_conditions = ["left_is_correct"]
    def get_IC(self, x, dx, conditions):
        x0 = self.x0/2 + .5 #rescale to between 0 and 1
        # Bias > .5 for left side correct, bias < .5 for right side correct.
        # On original scale, positive bias for left, negative for right
        if not conditions['left_is_correct']:
            x0 = 1-x0
        shift_i = int((len(x)-1)*x0)
        assert shift_i >= 0 and shift_i < len(x), "Invalid initial conditions"
        pdf = np.zeros(len(x))
        pdf[shift_i] = 1. # Initial condition at x=x0*2*B.
        return pdf

Try it out with:

from pyddm import Model, Fittable
from pyddm.models import BoundConstant
from pyddm.plot import model_gui
model = Model(IC=ICPointSideBiasRatio(x0=Fittable(minval=-1, maxval=1)),
              bound=BoundConstant(B=Fittable(minval=.1, maxval=2)),
              dx=.01, dt=.01)
model_gui(model, conditions={"left_is_correct": [0, 1]})

Biased Initial Condition Range

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
from pyddm import InitialCondition
class ICPointRange(InitialCondition):
    name = "A shifted side-biased uniform distribution"
    required_parameters = ["x0", "sz"]
    required_conditions = ["left_is_correct"]
    def get_IC(self, x, dx, conditions, *args, **kwargs):
        # Check for valid initial conditions
        assert abs(self.x0) + abs( < np.max(x), \
            "Invalid x0 and sz: distribution goes past simulation boundaries"
        # Positive bias for left correct, negative for right
        x0 = self.x0 if conditions["left_is_correct"] else -self.x0
        # Use "+dx/2" because numpy ranges are not inclusive on the upper end
        pdf = scipy.stats.uniform(x0 -, 2*
        return pdf/np.sum(pdf)

Try it out with constant drift using:

from pyddm import Model, Fittable, DriftConstant
from pyddm.plot import model_gui
model = Model(drift=DriftConstant(drift=1),
              IC=ICPointRange(x0=Fittable(minval=0, maxval=.5),
                              sz=Fittable(minval=0, maxval=.49)),
              dx=.01, dt=.01)
model_gui(model, conditions={"left_is_correct": [0, 1]})

Cauchy-distributed Initial Conditions

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
from pyddm import InitialCondition
class ICCauchy(InitialCondition):
    name = "Cauchy distribution"
    required_parameters = ["scale"]
    def get_IC(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs):
        pdf = scipy.stats.cauchy(0, self.scale).pdf(x)
        return pdf/np.sum(pdf)

Try it out with:

from pyddm import Model, Fittable, BoundCollapsingLinear
from pyddm.plot import model_gui
model = Model(IC=ICCauchy(scale=Fittable(minval=.001, maxval=.3)),
              bound=BoundCollapsingLinear(t=0, B=1),
              dx=.01, dt=.01)