Source code for pyddm.models.overlay

# Copyright 2018 Max Shinn <>
#           2018 Norman Lam <>
# This file is part of PyDDM, and is available under the MIT license.
# Please see LICENSE.txt in the root directory for more information.

__all__ = ["Overlay", "OverlayNone", "OverlayChain", "OverlayUniformMixture", "OverlayPoissonMixture", "OverlayExponentialMixture", "OverlayNonDecision", "OverlayNonDecisionGamma", "OverlayNonDecisionUniform", "OverlaySimplePause", "OverlayBlurredPause"]

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma as sp_gamma
import scipy.stats

from paranoid import accepts, returns, requires, ensures, Self, paranoidclass, paranoidconfig, Range, Positive, Number, List, Positive0, NDArray, Unchecked
from .paranoid_types import Conditions

from .base import Dependence
from ..solution import Solution

# TODO in unit test, ensure all overlays with reasonable parameters
# applied to a Solution add up to 1

# TODO unit tests for apply_trajectory

[docs]class Overlay(Dependence): """Subclasses can modify distributions after they have been generated. This abstract class provides the methods which define how a distribution should be modified after solving the model, for example for a mixture model. To subclass it, implement apply. Also, since it inherits from Dependence, subclasses must also assign a `name` and `required_parameters` (see documentation for Dependence.) """ depname = "Overlay"
[docs] def apply(self, solution): """Apply the overlay to a Solution object. This function must be redefined in subclasses. This function takes a Solution object as its argument and returns a Solution object which was modified in some way. Often times, this will be by modifying `solution.corr` and `solution.choice_lower`. See the documentation for Solution for more information about this object. Note that while this does not take `conditions` as an argument, conditions may still be accessed via `solution.conditions`. Conceptually, this function performs some transformation on the simulated response time (first passage time) distributions. It is especially useful for non-decision times and mixture models, potentially in a parameter-dependent or condition-dependent manner. """ raise NotImplementedError("Overlay model %s invalid: must define the apply(self, solution) function" % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def apply_trajectory(self, trajectory, model, rk4, seed, conditions={}): """Apply the overlay to a simulated decision variable trajectory. This function is optional and may be redefined in subclasses. It is expected to implement the same mechanism as the method "apply", but to do so on simulated trajectories (i.e. from Model.simulate_trial) instead of on a Solution object. This function takes the t domain, the trajectory itself, and task conditions. It returns the modified trajectory. """ raise NotImplementedError("Overlay model %s not compatible with trajectory simulations" % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]@paranoidclass class OverlayNone(Overlay): """No overlay. An identity function for Solutions. Example usage: | overlay = OverlayNone() """ name = "No overlay" required_parameters = [] @staticmethod def _test(v): pass @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlayNone() @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) def apply(self, solution): return solution @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1, t=Number)) @returns(NDArray(d=1, t=Number)) def apply_trajectory(self, trajectory, **kwargs): return trajectory
# NOTE: This class is likely to break if any changes are made to the # Dependence constructor. In theory, no changes should be made to the # Dependence constructor, but just in case...
[docs]@paranoidclass class OverlayChain(Overlay): """Join together multiple overlays. Unlike other model components, Overlays are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to transform the output solution many times. Thus, this allows joining together multiple Overlay objects into a single object. It accepts one parameter: `overlays`. This should be a list of Overlay objects, in the order which they should be applied to the Solution object. One key technical caveat is that the overlays which are chained together may not have the same parameter names. Parameter names must be given different names in order to be a part of the same overlay. This allows those parameters to be accessed by their name inside of an OverlayChain object. Example usage: | overlay = OverlayChain(overlays=[OverlayNone(), OverlayNone(), OverlayNone()]) # Still equivalent to OverlayNone | overlay = OverlayChain(overlays=[OverlayPoissonMixture(pmixturecoef=.01, rate=1), | OverlayUniformMixture(umixturecoef=.01)]) # Apply a Poission mixture and then a Uniform mixture """ name = "Chain overlay" required_parameters = ["overlays"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.overlays in List(Overlay), "overlays must be a list of Overlay objects" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlayChain(overlays=[OverlayNone()]) yield OverlayChain(overlays=[OverlayUniformMixture(umixturecoef=.3), OverlayPoissonMixture(pmixturecoef=.2, rate=.7)]) yield OverlayChain(overlays=[OverlayNonDecision(nondectime=.1), OverlayPoissonMixture(pmixturecoef=.1, rate=1), OverlayUniformMixture(umixturecoef=.1)]) def __init__(self, **kwargs): Overlay.__init__(self, **kwargs) object.__setattr__(self, "required_parameters", []) object.__setattr__(self, "required_conditions", []) for o in self.overlays: self.required_parameters.extend(o.required_parameters) self.required_conditions.extend(o.required_conditions) assert len(self.required_parameters) == len(set(self.required_parameters)), "Two overlays in chain cannot have the same parameter names" object.__setattr__(self, "required_conditions", list(set(self.required_conditions))) # Avoid duplicates def __setattr__(self, name, value): if "required_parameters" in self.__dict__: if name in self.required_parameters: for o in self.overlays: if name in o.required_parameters: return setattr(o, name, value) return Overlay.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.required_parameters: for o in self.overlays: if name in o.required_parameters: return getattr(o, name) else: return Overlay.__getattribute__(self, name) def __repr__(self): overlayreprs = list(map(repr, self.overlays)) return "OverlayChain(overlays=[" + ", ".join(overlayreprs) + "])" @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) def apply(self, solution): assert isinstance(solution, Solution) newsol = solution for o in self.overlays: newsol = o.apply(newsol) return newsol @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1, t=Number)) @returns(NDArray(d=1, t=Number)) @paranoidconfig(unit_test=False) def apply_trajectory(self, trajectory, **kwargs): for o in self.overlays: trajectory = o.apply_trajectory(trajectory=trajectory, **kwargs) return trajectory
[docs]@paranoidclass class OverlayUniformMixture(Overlay): """A uniform mixture distribution. The output distribution should be umixturecoef*100 percent uniform distribution and (1-umixturecoef)*100 percent of the distribution to which this overlay is applied. A mixture with the uniform distribution can be used to confer robustness when fitting using likelihood. Example usage: | overlay = OverlayUniformMixture(umixturecoef=.01) """ name = "Uniform distribution mixture model" required_parameters = ["umixturecoef"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.umixturecoef in Range(0, 1), "Invalid mixture coef" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlayUniformMixture(umixturecoef=0) yield OverlayUniformMixture(umixturecoef=1) yield OverlayUniformMixture(umixturecoef=.02) yield OverlayUniformMixture(umixturecoef=.5) @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) def apply(self, solution): assert self.umixturecoef >= 0 and self.umixturecoef <= 1 choice_upper = solution.choice_upper choice_lower = solution.choice_lower m = solution.model cond = solution.conditions undec = solution.undec evolution = solution.evolution # To make this work with undecided probability, we need to # normalize by the sum of the decided density. That way, this # function will never touch the undecided pieces. norm = np.sum(choice_upper)+np.sum(choice_lower) choice_upper = choice_upper*(1-self.umixturecoef) + .5*self.umixturecoef/len(m.t_domain())*norm choice_lower = choice_lower*(1-self.umixturecoef) + .5*self.umixturecoef/len(m.t_domain())*norm return Solution(choice_upper, choice_lower, m, cond, undec, evolution)
[docs]@paranoidclass class OverlayExponentialMixture(Overlay): """An exponential mixture distribution. The output distribution should be pmixturecoef*100 percent exponential distribution and (1-umixturecoef)*100 percent of the distribution to which this overlay is applied. A mixture with the exponential distribution can be used to confer robustness when fitting using likelihood. Note that this is called OverlayPoissonMixture and not OverlayExponentialMixture because the exponential distribution is formed from a Poisson process, i.e. modeling a uniform lapse rate. Example usage: | overlay = OverlayPoissonMixture(pmixturecoef=.02, rate=1) """ name = "Poisson distribution mixture model (lapse rate)" required_parameters = ["pmixturecoef", "rate"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.pmixturecoef in Range(0, 1), "Invalid mixture coef" assert v.rate in Positive(), "Invalid rate" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlayPoissonMixture(pmixturecoef=0, rate=1) yield OverlayPoissonMixture(pmixturecoef=.5, rate=.1) yield OverlayPoissonMixture(pmixturecoef=.02, rate=10) yield OverlayPoissonMixture(pmixturecoef=1, rate=1) @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) def apply(self, solution): assert self.pmixturecoef >= 0 and self.pmixturecoef <= 1 assert isinstance(solution, Solution) choice_upper = solution.choice_upper choice_lower = solution.choice_lower m = solution.model cond = solution.conditions undec = solution.undec evolution = solution.evolution # To make this work with undecided probability, we need to # normalize by the sum of the decided density. That way, this # function will never touch the undecided pieces. norm = np.sum(choice_upper)+np.sum(choice_lower) lapses = lambda t : 2*self.rate*np.exp(-1*self.rate*t) X = m.dt * np.arange(0, len(choice_upper)) Y = lapses(X) Y /= np.sum(Y) choice_upper = choice_upper*(1-self.pmixturecoef) + .5*self.pmixturecoef*Y*norm # Assume numpy ndarrays, not lists choice_lower = choice_lower*(1-self.pmixturecoef) + .5*self.pmixturecoef*Y*norm #print(choice_upper) #print(choice_lower) return Solution(choice_upper, choice_lower, m, cond, undec, evolution)
# Backward compatibility class OverlayPoissonMixture(OverlayExponentialMixture): pass
[docs]@paranoidclass class OverlayNonDecision(Overlay): """Add a non-decision time This shifts the reaction time distribution by `nondectime` seconds in order to create a non-decision time. Example usage: | overlay = OverlayNonDecision(nondectime=.2) This can also be subclassed to allow easily shifting the non-decision time. When subclassing, override the `get_nondecision_time(self, conditions)` method to be any function you wish, using both conditions and parameters. """ name = "Add a non-decision by shifting the histogram" required_parameters = ["nondectime"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.nondectime in Number(), "Invalid non-decision time" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlayNonDecision(nondectime=0) yield OverlayNonDecision(nondectime=.5) yield OverlayNonDecision(nondectime=-.5) def get_nondecision_time(self, conditions): return self.nondectime @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) @ensures("set(return.choice_upper.tolist()) - set(solution.choice_upper.tolist()).union({0.0}) == set()") @ensures("set(return.choice_lower.tolist()) - set(solution.choice_lower.tolist()).union({0.0}) == set()") @ensures("solution.prob_undecided() <= return.prob_undecided() + 1e-10") def apply(self, solution): choice_upper = solution.choice_upper choice_lower = solution.choice_lower m = solution.model cond = solution.conditions undec = solution.undec evolution = solution.evolution shifts = int(self.get_nondecision_time(conditions=cond)/m.dt) # truncate newchoice_upper = np.zeros(choice_upper.shape, dtype=choice_upper.dtype) newchoice_lower = np.zeros(choice_lower.shape, dtype=choice_lower.dtype) if shifts > 0: newchoice_upper[shifts:] = choice_upper[:-shifts] newchoice_lower[shifts:] = choice_lower[:-shifts] elif shifts < 0: newchoice_upper[:shifts] = choice_upper[-shifts:] newchoice_lower[:shifts] = choice_lower[-shifts:] else: newchoice_upper = choice_upper newchoice_lower = choice_lower return Solution(newchoice_upper, newchoice_lower, m, cond, undec, evolution) @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1, t=Number), Conditions, Unchecked) @returns(NDArray(d=1, t=Number)) def apply_trajectory(self, trajectory, model, conditions, **kwargs): shift = int(self.get_nondecision_time(conditions=conditions)/model.dt) if shift > 0: trajectory = np.append([trajectory[0]]*shift, trajectory) elif shift < 0: if len(trajectory) > abs(shift): trajectory = trajectory[abs(shift):] else: trajectory = np.asarray([trajectory[-1]]) return trajectory
[docs]@paranoidclass class OverlayNonDecisionUniform(Overlay): """Add a uniformly-distributed non-decision time. The center of the distribution of non-decision times is at `nondectime`, and it extends `halfwidth` on each side. Example usage: | overlay = OverlayNonDecisionUniform(nondectime=.2, halfwidth=.02) This can also be subclassed to allow easily shifting the non-decision time. When subclassing, override the `get_nondecision_time(self, conditions)` method to be any function you wish, using both conditions and parameters. """ name = "Uniformly-distributed non-decision time" required_parameters = ["nondectime", "halfwidth"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.nondectime in Number(), "Invalid non-decision time" assert v.halfwidth in Positive0(), "Invalid halfwidth parameter" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlayNonDecisionUniform(nondectime=.3, halfwidth=.01) yield OverlayNonDecisionUniform(nondectime=0, halfwidth=.1) def get_nondecision_time(self, conditions): return self.nondectime @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) @ensures("np.sum(return.choice_upper) <= np.sum(solution.choice_upper) + 1e-10") @ensures("np.sum(return.choice_lower) <= np.sum(solution.choice_lower) + 1e-10") def apply(self, solution): # Make sure params are within range assert self.halfwidth >= 0, "Invalid st parameter" # Extract components of the solution object for convenience choice_upper = solution.choice_upper choice_lower = solution.choice_lower m = solution.model cond = solution.conditions undec = solution.undec evolution = solution.evolution # Describe the width and shift of the uniform distribution in # terms of list indices shift = int(self.get_nondecision_time(conditions=cond)/m.dt) # Discretized non-decision time width = int(self.halfwidth/m.dt) # Discretized uniform distribution half-width offsets = list(range(shift-width, shift+width+1)) # Create new correct and error distributions and iteratively # add shifts of each distribution to them. Use this over the # np.convolution because it handles negative non-decision # times. newchoice_upper = np.zeros(choice_upper.shape, dtype=choice_upper.dtype) newchoice_lower = np.zeros(choice_lower.shape, dtype=choice_lower.dtype) for offset in offsets: if offset > 0: newchoice_upper[offset:] += choice_upper[:-offset]/len(offsets) newchoice_lower[offset:] += choice_lower[:-offset]/len(offsets) elif offset < 0: newchoice_upper[:offset] += choice_upper[-offset:]/len(offsets) newchoice_lower[:offset] += choice_lower[-offset:]/len(offsets) else: newchoice_upper += choice_upper/len(offsets) newchoice_lower += choice_lower/len(offsets) return Solution(newchoice_upper, newchoice_lower, m, cond, undec, evolution) @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1, t=Number), Conditions, Unchecked) @returns(NDArray(d=1, t=Number)) def apply_trajectory(self, trajectory, model, conditions, **kwargs): ndtime = np.random.rand()*2*self.halfwidth + (self.get_nondecision_time(conditions=conditions)-self.halfwidth) shift = int(ndtime/model.dt) if shift > 0: np.append([trajectory[0]]*shift, trajectory) elif shift < 0: if len(trajectory) > abs(shift): trajectory = trajectory[abs(shift):] else: trajectory = np.asarray([trajectory[-1]]) return trajectory
[docs]@paranoidclass class OverlayNonDecisionGamma(Overlay): """Add a gamma-distributed non-decision time This shifts the reaction time distribution by an amount of time specified by the gamma distribution with shape parameter `shape` (sometimes called "k") and scale parameter `scale` (sometimes called "theta"). The distribution is then further shifted by `nondectime` seconds. Example usage: | overlay = OverlayNonDecisionGamma(nondectime=.2, shape=1.5, scale=.05) This can also be subclassed to allow easily shifting the non-decision time. When subclassing, override the `get_nondecision_time(self, conditions)` method to be any function you wish, using both conditions and parameters. """ name = "Add a gamma-distributed non-decision time" required_parameters = ["nondectime", "shape", "scale"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.nondectime in Number(), "Invalid non-decision time" assert v.shape in Positive0(), "Invalid shape parameter" assert v.shape >= 1, "Shape parameter must be >= 1" assert v.scale in Positive(), "Invalid scale parameter" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlayNonDecisionGamma(nondectime=.3, shape=2, scale=.01) yield OverlayNonDecisionGamma(nondectime=0, shape=1.1, scale=.1) def get_nondecision_time(self, conditions): return self.nondectime @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) @ensures("np.sum(return.choice_upper) <= np.sum(solution.choice_upper) + 1e-10") @ensures("np.sum(return.choice_lower) <= np.sum(solution.choice_lower) + 1e-10") @ensures("np.all(return.choice_upper[0:int(self.get_nondecision_time(conditions=solution.conditions)//return.dt)] == 0)") def apply(self, solution): # Make sure params are within range assert self.shape >= 1, "Invalid shape parameter" assert self.scale > 0, "Invalid scale parameter" # Extract components of the solution object for convenience choice_upper = solution.choice_upper choice_lower = solution.choice_lower dt = solution.dt # Create the weights for different timepoints times = np.asarray(list(range(-len(choice_upper), len(choice_upper))))*dt weights = scipy.stats.gamma(a=self.shape, scale=self.scale, loc=self.get_nondecision_time(conditions=solution.conditions)).pdf(times) if np.sum(weights) > 0: weights /= np.sum(weights) # Ensure it integrates to 1 # Divide by 1+1e-14 to avoid numerical errors after the convolution, which are on the order of 10^-16 newchoice_upper = np.convolve(choice_upper, weights, mode="full")[len(choice_upper):(2*len(choice_upper))]/(1+1e-14) newchoice_lower = np.convolve(choice_lower, weights, mode="full")[len(choice_upper):(2*len(choice_upper))]/(1+1e-14) return Solution(newchoice_upper, newchoice_lower, solution.model, solution.conditions, solution.undec, solution.evolution) @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1, t=Number), Conditions, Unchecked) @returns(NDArray(d=1, t=Number)) def apply_trajectory(self, trajectory, model, conditions, **kwargs): ndtime = scipy.stats.gamma(a=self.shape, scale=self.scale, loc=self.get_nondecision_time(conditions=conditions)).rvs() shift = int(ndtime/model.dt) if shift > 0: np.append([trajectory[0]]*shift, trajectory) elif shift < 0: if len(trajectory) > abs(shift): trajectory = trajectory[abs(shift):] else: trajectory = np.asarray([trajectory[-1]]) return trajectory
@paranoidclass class OverlaySimplePause(Overlay): name = "Brief pause in integration by shifting part of the histogram" required_parameters = ['pausestart', 'pausestop'] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.pausestart in Positive0(), "Invalid start time" assert v.pausestop in Positive0(), "Invalid non-decision time" assert v.pausestart <= v.pausestop, "Pause start time must be before stop time" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlaySimplePause(pausestart=0, pausestop=0) yield OverlaySimplePause(pausestart=.1, pausestop=.2) @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) @ensures("set(return.choice_upper.tolist()) - set(solution.choice_upper.tolist()).union({0.0}) == set()") @ensures("set(return.choice_lower.tolist()) - set(solution.choice_lower.tolist()).union({0.0}) == set()") @ensures("solution.prob_undecided() <= return.prob_undecided() + 1e-10") @ensures('self.pausestart == self.pausestop --> solution == return') def apply(self, solution): choice_upper = solution.choice_upper choice_lower = solution.choice_lower m = solution.model cond = solution.conditions undec = solution.undec evolution = solution.evolution start = int(self.pausestart/m.dt) # truncate stop = int((self.pausestop)/m.dt) # truncate if stop <= start: return solution newchoice_upper = np.zeros(choice_upper.shape, dtype=choice_upper.dtype) newchoice_lower = np.zeros(choice_lower.shape, dtype=choice_lower.dtype) newchoice_upper[0:start] = choice_upper[0:start] newchoice_lower[0:start] = choice_lower[0:start] newchoice_upper[stop:] = choice_upper[start:-(stop-start)] newchoice_lower[stop:] = choice_lower[start:-(stop-start)] return Solution(newchoice_upper, newchoice_lower, m, cond, undec, evolution) @paranoidclass class OverlayBlurredPause(Overlay): name = "Brief pause in integration, pause length by gamma distribution" required_parameters = ['pausestart', 'pausestop', 'pauseblurwidth'] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.pausestart in Positive0(), "Invalid start time" assert v.pausestop in Positive0(), "Invalid stop time" assert v.pauseblurwidth in Positive(), "Invalid width" assert v.pausestart <= v.pausestop, "Pause start time must be before stop time" assert v.pausestart + v.pauseblurwidth/2 <= v.pausestop, "Blur must be shorter than pause" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield OverlayBlurredPause(pausestart=0, pausestop=.1, pauseblurwidth=.1) yield OverlayBlurredPause(pausestart=.1, pausestop=.2, pauseblurwidth=.01) @accepts(Self, Solution) @returns(Solution) @ensures("solution.prob_undecided() <= return.prob_undecided() + 1e-10") @ensures('self.pausestart == self.pausestop --> solution == return') def apply(self, solution): choice_upper = solution.choice_upper choice_lower = solution.choice_lower m = solution.model cond = solution.conditions undec = solution.undec evolution = solution.evolution # Make gamma distribution gamma_mean = self.pausestop - self.pausestart gamma_var = pow(self.pauseblurwidth, 2) shape = gamma_mean**2/gamma_var scale = gamma_var/gamma_mean gamma_pdf = lambda t : 1/(sp_gamma(shape)*(scale**shape)) * t**(shape-1) * np.exp(-t/scale) gamma_vals = np.asarray([gamma_pdf(t) for t in m.t_domain() - self.pausestart if t >= 0]) sumgamma = np.sum(gamma_vals) gamma_start = next(i for i,t in enumerate(m.t_domain() - self.pausestart) if t >= 0) # Generate first part of pdf (before the pause) newchoice_upper = np.zeros(m.t_domain().shape, dtype=choice_upper.dtype) newchoice_lower = np.zeros(m.t_domain().shape, dtype=choice_lower.dtype) # Generate pdf after the pause for i,t in enumerate(m.t_domain()): #print(np.sum(newchoice_upper)+np.sum(newchoice_lower)) if 0 <= t < self.pausestart: newchoice_upper[i] = choice_upper[i] newchoice_lower[i] = choice_lower[i] elif self.pausestart <= t: newchoice_upper[i:] += choice_upper[gamma_start:len(choice_upper)-(i-gamma_start)]*gamma_vals[int(i-gamma_start)]/sumgamma newchoice_lower[i:] += choice_lower[gamma_start:len(choice_upper)-(i-gamma_start)]*gamma_vals[int(i-gamma_start)]/sumgamma else: raise ValueError("Invalid domain") return Solution(newchoice_upper, newchoice_lower, m, cond, undec, evolution)