Source code for pyddm.models.noise

# Copyright 2018 Max Shinn <>
#           2018 Norman Lam <>
# This file is part of PyDDM, and is available under the MIT license.
# Please see LICENSE.txt in the root directory for more information.

__all__ = ["Noise", "NoiseConstant", "NoiseLinear"]

import numpy as np
from ..tridiag import TriDiagMatrix

from .base import Dependence
from paranoid import *
from .paranoid_types import Conditions

[docs]@paranoidclass class Noise(Dependence): """Subclass this to specify how noise level varies with position and time. This abstract class provides the methods which define a dependence of noise on x and t. To subclass it, implement get_noise. Since it inherits from Dependence, subclasses must also assign a `name` and `required_parameters` (see documentation for Dependence.) """ depname = "Noise" def _uses_t(self): return self._uses(self.get_noise, "t") def _uses_x(self): return self._uses(self.get_noise, "x")
[docs] @accepts(Self, x=NDArray(d=1, t=Number), t=Positive0, dx=Positive, dt=Positive, conditions=Conditions, implicit=Boolean) @returns(TriDiagMatrix) @ensures("return.shape == (len(x), len(x))") def get_matrix(self, x, t, dx, dt, conditions, implicit=False, **kwargs): """The diffusion component of the implicit method diffusion matrix across the domain `x` at time `t`. `x` should be a length N ndarray of all positions in the grid. `t` should be the time in seconds at which to calculate noise. `dt` and `dx` should be the simulations timestep and grid step `conditions` should be the conditions at which to calculate noise Returns a sparse NxN matrix as a PyDDM TriDiagMatrix object. There is generally no need to redefine this method in subclasses. """ noise = self.get_noise(x=x, t=t, dx=dx, dt=dt, conditions=conditions, **kwargs) if np.isscalar(noise): D = 1.0*noise**2 * dt/dx**2 * np.ones(len(x)) UP = -0.5*noise**2 * dt/dx**2 * np.ones(len(x)-1) DOWN = -0.5*noise**2 * dt/dx**2 * np.ones(len(x)-1) else: D = 1.0*noise**2 * dt/dx**2 UP = -0.5*(0.5*(noise[1:]+noise[:-1]))**2 * dt/dx**2 DOWN = -0.5*(0.5*(noise[1:]+noise[:-1]))**2 * dt/dx**2 if implicit: D[0] += DOWN[0] D[-1] += UP[-1] DOWN[0] = 0 UP[-1] = 0 else: print("WARNING - Explicit method") return TriDiagMatrix(diag=D, up=UP, down=DOWN)
[docs] @accepts(Self, x_bound=Number, t=Positive0, dx=Positive, dt=Positive, conditions=Conditions) @returns(Positive0) def get_flux(self, x_bound, t, dx, dt, conditions, **kwargs): """The diffusion component of flux across the boundary at position `x_bound` at time `t`. Flux here is essentially the amount of the mass of the PDF that is past the boundary point `x_bound` at time `t` (in seconds). Note that under the central scheme we want to use x at half-grid from the boundary. This is however cleaner and justifiable using forward/backward scheme. There is generally no need to redefine this method in subclasses. """ return 0.5*dt/dx**2 * self.get_noise(x=x_bound, t=t, dx=dx, dt=dt, conditions=conditions, **kwargs)**2
[docs] def get_noise(self, conditions, **kwargs): """Calculate the instantaneous noise (standard deviation of noise). This function must be redefined in subclasses. It may take several arguments: - `t` - The time at which noise should be calculated - `x` - The particle position (or 1-dimensional NDArray of particle positions) at which noise should be calculated - `conditions` - A dictionary describing the task conditions It should return a number or an NDArray (the same as `x`) indicating the standard deviation of the noise at that particular time, position(s), and task conditions. Definitions of this method in subclasses should only have arguments for needed variables and should always be followed by "**kwargs". For example, if the function does not depend on `t` or `x` but does depend on task conditions, this should be: | def get_noise(self, conditions, **kwargs): Of course, the function would still work properly if `x` were included as an argument, but this convention allows PyDDM to automatically select the best simulation methods for the model. If a function depends on `x`, it should return a scalar if `x` is a scalar, or an NDArray of the same size as `x` if `x` is an NDArray. If the function does not depend on `x`, it should return a scalar. (The purpose of this is a dramatic speed increase by using numpy vectorization.) """ raise NotImplementedError("Noise model %s invalid: must define the get_noise function" % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]@paranoidclass class NoiseConstant(Noise): """Noise level is constant over time. Only take one parameter: noise, the standard deviation of the noise. Note that this is a special case of NoiseLinear. Example usage: | noise = NoiseConstant(noise=0.5) """ name = "constant" required_parameters = ["noise"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.noise in Positive() @staticmethod def _generate(): yield NoiseConstant(noise=.001) yield NoiseConstant(noise=.5) yield NoiseConstant(noise=1) yield NoiseConstant(noise=2) yield NoiseConstant(noise=100) @accepts(Self) @returns(Number) def get_noise(self, **kwargs): return self.noise
[docs]@paranoidclass class NoiseLinear(Noise): """Noise level varies linearly with position and time. Take three parameters: - `noise` - The inital noise standard deviation - `x` - The coefficient by which noise standard deviation varies with x - `t` - The coefficient by which noise standard deviation varies with t Example usage: | noise = NoiseLinear(noise=0.5, x=0, t=.1) # Noise increases over time """ name = "linear_xt" required_parameters = ["noise", "x", "t"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.noise in Positive0() assert v.x in Number() assert v.t in Number() @staticmethod def _generate(): yield NoiseLinear(noise=0, x=0, t=0) yield NoiseLinear(noise=1, x=-1, t=1) yield NoiseLinear(noise=10, x=10, t=10) yield NoiseLinear(noise=1, x=-10, t=-.5) @accepts(Self, Or(Number, NDArray(d=1, t=Number)), Positive0) @returns(Or(Positive, NDArray(d=1, t=Positive))) @requires('np.all(self.noise + self.x*x + self.t*t > 0)') # Noise can't go below zero @ensures("np.isscalar(x) <--> np.isscalar(return)") def get_noise(self, x, t, **kwargs): return self.noise + self.x*x + self.t*t def _uses_t(self): return self.t != 0 def _uses_x(self): return self.x != 0