Source code for pyddm.models.ic

# Copyright 2018 Max Shinn <>
#           2018 Norman Lam <>
# This file is part of PyDDM, and is available under the MIT license.
# Please see LICENSE.txt in the root directory for more information.

__all__ = ["InitialCondition", "ICPointSourceCenter", "ICPoint", "ICPointRatio", "ICUniform", "ICRange", "ICGaussian", "ICArbitrary"]

import numpy as np

from .base import Dependence
from paranoid import accepts, returns, requires, ensures, paranoidclass
from paranoid.types import NDArray, Number, Positive, Range
from paranoid.types import Self
import scipy.stats

[docs]class InitialCondition(Dependence): """Subclass this to compute the initial conditions of the simulation. This abstract class describes initial PDF at the beginning of a simulation. To subclass it, implement get_IC(x). Also, since it inherits from Dependence, subclasses must also assign a `name` and `required_parameters` (see documentation for Dependence.) """ depname = "IC"
[docs] def get_IC(self, x, dx, **kwargs): """Get the initial conditions (a PDF) withsupport `x`. This function must be redefined in subclasses. `x` is a length N ndarray representing the support of the initial condition PDF, i.e. the x-domain. This returns a length N ndarray describing the distribution. """ raise NotImplementedError("IC model %s invalid: must define the get_IC function" % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]@paranoidclass class ICPointSourceCenter(InitialCondition): """Initial condition: a dirac delta function in the center of the domain. Example usage: | ic = ICPointSourceCenter() """ name = "point_source_center" required_parameters = [] @staticmethod def _test(v): pass @staticmethod def _generate(): yield ICPointSourceCenter() @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1)) @returns(NDArray(t=Number, d=1)) @ensures('np.isclose(np.sum(return), 1)') @ensures('list(reversed(return)) == list(return)') @ensures('len(set(return)) in [1, 2]') def get_IC(self, x, *args, **kwargs): pdf = np.zeros(len(x)) pdf[int((len(x)-1)/2)] = 1. # Initial condition at x=0, center of the channel. return pdf
[docs]@paranoidclass class ICPoint(InitialCondition): """Initial condition: any point. Example usage: | ic = ICPoint(x0=.2) """ name = "An arbitrary starting point." required_parameters = ["x0"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.x0 in Number() @staticmethod def _generate(): yield ICPoint(x0=.2) yield ICPoint(x0=-.111) @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1), Positive) @returns(NDArray(t=Number, d=1)) @ensures('np.isclose(np.sum(return), 1)') @ensures('len(set(return)) == 2') def get_IC(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs): start = np.round(self.x0/dx) # Positive bias for high reward conditions, negative for low reward shift_i = int(start + (len(x)-1)/2) assert shift_i >= 0 and shift_i < len(x), "Invalid initial conditions: " \ "Please ensure the value of the parameter x0 falls within the bounds." pdf = np.zeros(len(x)) pdf[shift_i] = 1. # Initial condition at x=self.x0. return pdf
[docs]@paranoidclass class ICPointRatio(InitialCondition): """Initial condition: any point expressed as a ratio between bounds, from -1 to 1. Example usage: | ic = ICPointRatio(x0=-.2) The advantage of ICPointRatio over ICPoint is that, as long as x0 is greater than -1 and less than 1, the starting point will always stay within the bounds, even when bounds are being fit. """ name = "An arbitrary starting point expressed as a proportion of the distance between the bounds." required_parameters = ["x0"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.x0 in Range(-1, 1) @staticmethod def _generate(): yield ICPointRatio(x0=.2) yield ICPointRatio(x0=-.8) def get_IC(self, x, dx, conditions): x0 = self.x0/2 + .5 #rescale to between 0 and 1 shift_i = int((len(x)-1)*x0) assert shift_i >= 0 and shift_i < len(x), "Invalid initial conditions" pdf = np.zeros(len(x)) pdf[shift_i] = 1. return pdf
[docs]@paranoidclass class ICUniform(InitialCondition): """Initial condition: a uniform distribution. Example usage: | ic = ICUniform() """ name = "Uniform" required_parameters = [] @staticmethod def _test(v): pass @staticmethod def _generate(): yield ICUniform() @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1)) @returns(NDArray(t=Number, d=1)) @ensures('np.isclose(np.sum(return), 1)') @ensures('list(reversed(return)) == list(return)') @ensures('len(set(return)) in [1, 2]') def get_IC(self, x, *args, **kwargs): pdf = 1/(len(x))*np.ones((len(x))) return pdf
[docs]@paranoidclass class ICRange(InitialCondition): """Initial condition: a bounded uniform distribution with range from -sz to sz. Example usage: | ic = ICRange(sz=.3) """ name = "Uniform range" required_parameters = ["sz"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert >= 0, "sz parameter must be positive" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield ICRange(sz=.1) @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1), Positive) @requires("max(x) >=") @requires("min(x) <=") @returns(NDArray(t=Number, d=1)) @ensures('np.isclose(np.sum(return), 1)') @ensures('list(reversed(return)) == list(return)') @ensures('len(set(return)) in [1, 2]') def get_IC(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs): pdf = np.zeros(len(x)) center = int((len(x)-1)/2) width = # Positive bias for high reward conditions, negative for low reward shift_i = int((len(x)-1)/2) sz_shift = int( pdf[(shift_i-sz_shift):(shift_i+sz_shift+1)] = 1 return pdf/np.sum(pdf)
[docs]@paranoidclass class ICGaussian(InitialCondition): """Initial condition: a Gaussian distribution with a specified standard deviation. Example usage: | ic = ICRange(sz=.3) """ name = "Gaussian" required_parameters = ["stdev"] @staticmethod def _test(v): assert v.stdev > 0, "Standard deviation must be positive" @staticmethod def _generate(): yield ICGaussian(stdev=.2) @accepts(Self, NDArray(d=1, t=Number), Positive) @requires("np.all(np.isclose(x+x[::-1], 0))") # Symmetric around 0 @returns(NDArray(t=Number, d=1)) @ensures('np.isclose(np.sum(return), 1)') @ensures('np.all(np.isclose(return[::-1], return))') # Symmetric def get_IC(self, x, dx, *args, **kwargs): pdf = scipy.stats.norm(0, self.stdev).pdf(x) return pdf/np.sum(pdf)
[docs]@accepts(NDArray(d=1)) @returns(InitialCondition) @requires('np.isclose(np.sum(dist), 1)') def ICArbitrary(dist): """Generate an IC object from an arbitrary distribution. `dist` should be a 1 dimensional numpy array which sums to 1. Note that ICArbitrary is a function, not an InitialCondition object, so it cannot be passed directly. It returns an instance of a an InitialCondition object which can be passed. So in place of, e.g. ICUniform(). In practice, the user should not notice a difference, and this function can thus be used in place of an InitialCondition object. Example usage: | import scipy.stats | ic = ICArbitrary(dist=scipy.stats.binom.pmf(n=200, p=.4, k=range(0, 201))) # Binomial distribution | import numpy as np | ic = ICArbitrary(dist=np.asarray([0]*100+[1]+[0]*100)) # Equivalent to ICPointSourceCenter for dx=.01 """ class ICArbitrary(InitialCondition): """Initial condition from an arbitrary distribution""" name = "Arbitrary distribution" required_parameters = [] def get_IC(self, x, _prevdist=dist, *args, **kwargs): assert len(x) == len(_prevdist) return _prevdist return ICArbitrary()