Source code for pyddm.functions

# Copyright 2018 Max Shinn <>
#           2018 Norman Lam <>
# This file is part of PyDDM, and is available under the MIT license.
# Please see LICENSE.txt in the root directory for more information.

__all__ = ['models_close', 'fit_model', 'fit_adjust_model',
           'evolution_strategy', 'solve_partial_conditions',
           'hit_boundary', 'dependence_hit_boundary', 'display_model',
           'get_model_loss', 'set_N_cpus']

import copy
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize, basinhopping, differential_evolution, OptimizeResult

from . import parameters as param
from .model import Model, Solution, Fitted, Fittable
from .sample import Sample
from .models.drift import DriftConstant
from .models.noise import NoiseConstant
from .models.ic import ICPointSourceCenter
from .models.bound import BoundConstant
from .models.overlay import OverlayNone, OverlayChain
from .models.loss import LossLikelihood
from .logger import logger as _logger

from paranoid.types import Boolean, Number, String, Set, Unchecked, Natural1, Maybe
from paranoid.decorators import accepts, returns, requires, ensures, paranoidconfig
from paranoid.settings import Settings as paranoid_settings
from .models.paranoid_types import Conditions

from .fitresult import FitResult, FitResultEmpty

# For parallelization support
_parallel_pool = None # Note: do not change this directly.  Call set_N_cpus() instead.
def set_N_cpus(N):
    global _parallel_pool
    if _parallel_pool is not None:
    if N != 1:
            import pathos
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("Parallel support requires pathos.  Please install pathos.")
        #_parallel_pool = pathos.multiprocessing.Pool(N)
        _parallel_pool = pathos.pools._ProcessPool(N)
        _parallel_pool.n_cpus = N
        _parallel_pool = None

[docs]@accepts(Model, Model, tol=Number) @requires("m1.get_model_type() == m2.get_model_type()") @returns(Boolean) def models_close(m1, m2, tol=.1): """Determines whether two models are similar. This compares the parameters of models `m1` and `m2` and checks to make sure that each of the parameters in model `m1` is within a distance of `tol` of `m2`. Return True if this is the case, otherwise False.""" p1 = m1.get_model_parameters() p2 = m2.get_model_parameters() assert len(p1) == len(p2) assert m1.get_model_type() == m2.get_model_type() for mp1, mp2 in zip(p1, p2): if np.abs(mp1-mp2) > tol: return False return True
[docs]def get_model_loss(model, sample, lossfunction=LossLikelihood, method=None): """A shortcut to compusing the loss of a model. A shortcut method to compute the loss (under loss function `lossfunction`) of Model `model` with respect to Sample `sample`. Optionaly, specificy the numerical method `method` to use (e.g. analytical, numerical, implicit, etc.) Note that this should not be used when performing model fits, as it is faster to use the optimizations implemented in fit_adjust_model. """ assert model.choice_names == sample.choice_names, "Model and sample choice names must match, currently "+repr(model.choice_names)+" and "+repr(sample.choice_names)+". Please specify the correct choice names when creating your Model and Sample." # Count parameters (for AIC/BIC), making sure not to double count # for repeated parameters. params = [] for component in model.dependencies: for param_name in component.required_parameters: pv = getattr(component, param_name) # Parameter value in the object if pv not in params and isinstance(pv, Fittable): params.append(pv) lf = lossfunction(sample, required_conditions=model.required_conditions, T_dur=model.T_dur, dt=model.dt, method=method, nparams=len(params), samplesize=len(sample)) return lf.loss(model)
[docs]def fit_model(sample, drift=DriftConstant(drift=0), noise=NoiseConstant(noise=1), bound=BoundConstant(B=1), IC=ICPointSourceCenter(), dt=param.dt, dx=param.dx, fitparams=None, fitting_method="differential_evolution", method=None, overlay=OverlayNone(), lossfunction=LossLikelihood, verbose=True, name="fit_model", verify=False): """Fit a model to reaction time data. The data `sample` should be a Sample object of the reaction times to fit in seconds (NOT milliseconds). This function will generate a model using the `drift`, `noise`, `bound`, and `IC` parameters to specify the model. At least one of these should have a parameter which is a "Fittable()" instance, as this will be the parameter to be fit. Optionally, dt specifies the temporal resolution with which to fit the model. `method` specifies how the model should be fit. "differential_evolution" is the default, which accurately locates the global maximum without using a derivative. "simple" uses a derivative-based method to minimize, and just uses randomly initialized parameters and gradient descent. "simplex" is the Nelder-Mead method, and is a gradient-free local search. "basin" uses "scipy.optimize.basinhopping" to find an optimal solution, which is much slower but also gives better results than "simple". It does not appear to give better or faster results than "differential_evolution" in most cases. Alternatively, a custom objective function may be used by setting `method` to be a function which accepts the "x_0" parameter (for starting position) and "constraints" (for min and max values). In general, it is recommended you almost always use differential evolution, unless you have a model which is highly-constrained (e.g. only one or two parameters to estimate with low covariance) or you already know the approximate parameter values. In practice, besides these two special cases, changing the method is unlikely to give faster or more reliable estimation. `fitparams` is a dictionary of kwargs to be passed directly to the minimization routine for fine-grained low-level control over the optimization. Normally this should not be needed. `lossfunction` is a subclass of LossFunction representing the method to use when calculating the goodness-of-fit. Pass the subclass itself, NOT an instance of the subclass. `name` gives the name of the model after it is fit. If `verify` is False (the default), checking for programming errors is disabled during the fit. This can decrease runtime and may prevent crashes. If verification is already disabled, this does not re-enable it. `verbose` enables out-of-boundaries warnings and prints the model information at each evaluation of the fitness function. Returns a "Model()" object with the specified `drift`, `noise`, `bound`, `IC`, and `overlay`. The model will include a "FitResult" object, accessed as m.fitresult. This can be used to get the value of the objective function, as well as to access diagnostic information about the fit. This function will automatically parallelize if set_N_cpus() has been called. """ # Use the reaction time data (a list of reaction times) to # construct a reaction time distribution. T_dur = np.ceil(max(sample)/dt)*dt assert T_dur < 30, "Too long of a simulation... are you using milliseconds instead of seconds?" # For optimization purposes, create a base model, and then use # that base model in the optimization routine. First, set up the # model with all of the Fittables inside. Deep copy on the entire # model is a shortcut for deep copying each individual component # of the model. m = copy.deepcopy(Model(name=name, drift=drift, noise=noise, bound=bound, IC=IC, overlay=overlay, T_dur=T_dur, dt=dt, dx=dx, choice_names=sample.choice_names)) return fit_adjust_model(sample, m, fitparams=fitparams, fitting_method=fitting_method, method=method, lossfunction=lossfunction, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def fit_adjust_model(sample, model, fitparams=None, fitting_method="differential_evolution", lossfunction=LossLikelihood, verify=False, method=None, verbose=True): """Modify parameters of a model which has already been fit. The data `sample` should be a Sample object of the reaction times to fit in seconds (NOT milliseconds). At least one of the parameters for one of the components in the model should be a "Fitted()" instance, as these will be the parameters to fit. `fitting_method` specifies how the model should be fit. "differential_evolution" is the default, which accurately locates the global maximum without using a derivative. "simple" uses a derivative-based method to minimize, and just uses randomly initialized parameters and gradient descent. "simplex" is the Nelder-Mead method, and is a gradient-free local search. "basin" uses "scipy.optimize.basinhopping" to find an optimal solution, which is much slower but also gives better results than "simple". It does not appear to give better or faster results than "differential_evolution" in most cases. Alternatively, a custom objective function may be used by setting `fitting_method` to be a function which accepts the "x_0" parameter (for starting position) and "constraints" (for min and max values). In general, it is recommended you almost always use differential evolution, unless you have a model which is highly-constrained (e.g. only one or two parameters to estimate with low covariance) or you already know the approximate parameter values. In practice, besides these two special cases, changing the method is unlikely to give faster or more reliable estimation. `fitparams` is a dictionary of kwargs to be passed directly to the minimization routine for fine-grained low-level control over the optimization. Normally this should not be needed. `lossfunction` is a subclass of LossFunction representing the method to use when calculating the goodness-of-fit. Pass the subclass itself, NOT an instance of the subclass. `name` gives the name of the model after it is fit. If `verify` is False (the default), checking for programming errors is disabled during the fit. This can decrease runtime and may prevent crashes. If verification is already disabled, this does not re-enable it. `method` gives the method used to solve the model, and can be "analytical", "numerical", "cn", "implicit", or "explicit". `verbose` enables out-of-boundaries warnings and prints the model information at each evaluation of the fitness function. Returns the same model object that was passed to it as an argument. However, the parameters will be modified. The model is modified in place, so a reference is returned to it for convenience only. After running this function, the model will be modified to include a "FitResult" object, accessed as m.fitresult. This can be used to get the value of the objective function, as well as to access diagnostic information about the fit. This function will automatically parallelize if set_N_cpus() has been called. """ assert model.choice_names == sample.choice_names, "Model and sample choice names must match, currently "+repr(model.choice_names)+" and "+repr(sample.choice_names)+". Please specify the correct choice names when creating your Model and Sample." # Disable paranoid if `verify` is False. paranoid_state = paranoid_settings.get('enabled') renorm_warnings_state = param.renorm_warnings if paranoid_state and not verify: paranoid_settings.set(enabled=False) param.renorm_warnings = False # Loop through the different components of the model and get the # parameters that are fittable. Save the "Fittable" objects in # "params". Create a list of functions to set the value of these # parameters, named "setters". m = model components_list = [m.get_dependence("drift"), m.get_dependence("noise"), m.get_dependence("bound"), m.get_dependence("IC"), m.get_dependence("overlay")] required_conditions = list(set([x for l in components_list for x in l.required_conditions])) assert 0 < len([1 for component in components_list for param_name in component.required_parameters if isinstance(getattr(component, param_name), Fittable)]), \ "Models must contain at least one Fittable parameter in order to be fit" params = [] # A list of all of the Fittables that were passed. setters = [] # A list of functions which set the value of the corresponding parameter in `params` for component in components_list: for param_name in component.required_parameters: pv = getattr(component, param_name) # Parameter value in the object if isinstance(pv, Fittable): # Create a function which sets each parameter in the # list to some value `a` for model `x`. Note the # default arguments to the function are necessary here # to preserve scope. Without them, these variables # would be interpreted in the local scope, so they # would be equal to the last value encountered in the # loop. def setter(x,a,pv=pv,component=component,param_name=param_name): if not isinstance(a, Fittable): a = pv.make_fitted(a) setattr(x.get_dependence(component.depname), param_name, a) # Return the fitted instance so we can chain it. # This way, if the same Fittable object is passed, # the same Fitted object will be in both places in # the solution. return a # If we have the same Fittable object in two different # components inside the model, we only want the Fittable # object in the list "params" once, but we want the setter # to update both. if id(pv) in map(id, params): pind = list(map(id, params)).index(id(pv)) oldsetter = setters[pind] # This is a hack way of executing two functions in # a single function call while passing forward the # same argument object (not just the same argument # value) newsetter = lambda x,a,setter=setter,oldsetter=oldsetter : oldsetter(x,setter(x,a)) setters[pind] = newsetter else: # This setter is unique (so far) params.append(pv) setters.append(setter) # And now get rid of the Fittables, replacing them with the # default values. Simultaneously, create a list to pass to the # solver. x_0 = [] constraints = [] # List of (min, max) tuples. min/max=None if no constraint. for p,s in zip(params, setters): default = p.default() s(m, default) minval = p.minval if p.minval > -np.inf else None maxval = p.maxval if p.maxval < np.inf else None constraints.append((minval, maxval)) x_0.append(default) # Set up a loss function lf = lossfunction(sample, required_conditions=required_conditions, T_dur=m.T_dur, dt=m.dt, method=method, nparams=len(params), samplesize=len(sample)) # A function for the solver to minimize. Since the model is in # this scope, we can make use of it by using, for example, the # model `m` defined previously. def _fit_model(xs): for x,p,s in zip(xs, params, setters): # Sometimes the numpy optimizers will ignore bounds up to # floating point errors, i.e. if your upper bound is 1, # they will give 1.000000000001. This fixes that problem # to make sure the model is within its domain. if x > p.maxval: if verbose: _logger.warning("Optimizer went out of bounds. Setting %f to %f" % (x, p.maxval)) x = p.maxval if x < p.minval: if verbose: _logger.warning("Optimizer went out of bounds. Setting %f to %f" % (x, p.minval)) x = p.minval s(m, x) lossf = lf.loss(m) if verbose: + " loss="+ str(lossf)) return lossf # Cast to a dictionary if necessary if fitparams is None: fitparams = {} # Run the solver if fitting_method == "simple": x_fit = minimize(_fit_model, x_0, bounds=constraints) assert x_fit.success, "Fit failed: %s" % x_fit.message elif fitting_method == "simplex": x_fit = minimize(_fit_model, x_0, method='Nelder-Mead') elif fitting_method == "basin": x_fit = basinhopping(_fit_model, x_0, minimizer_kwargs={"bounds" : constraints, "method" : "TNC"}, **fitparams) elif fitting_method == "differential_evolution": if "disp" not in fitparams.keys(): fitparams["disp"] = verbose x_fit = differential_evolution(_fit_model, constraints, **fitparams) elif fitting_method == "hillclimb": x_fit = evolution_strategy(_fit_model, x_0, **fitparams) elif callable(fitting_method): x_fit = fitting_method(_fit_model, x_0=x_0, constraints=constraints) else: raise NotImplementedError("Invalid fitting method") res = FitResult(method=(method if method is not None else "auto"), fitting_method=fitting_method,,, nparams=len(params), samplesize=len(sample), mess=(x_fit.message if "message" in x_fit.__dict__ else "")) m.fitresult = res"Params " + str(x_fit.x) + " gave " + str( for x,s in zip(x_fit.x, setters): s(m, x) if not verify: paranoid_settings.set(enabled=paranoid_state) param.renorm_warnings = renorm_warnings_state return m
[docs]def evolution_strategy(fitness, x_0, mu=1, lmbda=3, copyparents=True, mutate_var=.002, mutate_prob=.5, evals=100, seed=None): """Optimize using the Evolution Strategy (ES) heuristic method. Evolution Strategy is an optimization method specified in the form (lambda + mu) or (lambda, mu), for some integer value of lambda and mu. The algorithm will generate an intial population of lambda individuals. Each individual will have an equal number of offspring, so that there is a total of mu organisms in the next generation. In the case of the (lambda + mu) algorithm, the parents are also copied into the next generation. Then, the lambda best organisms in this population are selected to reproduce. The starting population includes `x_0` and `lmbda`-1 other individuals generated by mutating `x_0`. Mutations occur by perturbing `x_0` by a Gaussian-distributed variable (so-called "Gaussian convolution") with variance `mutate_var`. Each element is changed with a probability `mutate_prob`. The number of function evaluations will be approximately `evals`, as this algorithm will iterate `evals`/`lmbda` times. `lmbda` is the lambda parameter (note the spelling difference) and `mu` is the mu parameter for the ES. If `copyparents` is True, use (`lmbda` + `mu`), and if it is False, use (`lmbda`, `mu`). `seed` allows optional seed values to be used during random number generation during evolution-driven optimization. If set to None, random number generation is subject to unseeded behavior. If convergence is difficult, setting seed=None may result in different solutions between runs. The purpose of this is if you already have a good model, but you want to test the local space to see if you can make it better. """ assert isinstance(lmbda, int) and isinstance(mu, int), "Bad lambda and mu" assert lmbda/mu == lmbda//mu, "Lambda must be a multiple of mu" x_0 = list(x_0) # Ensure we have a list, not an ndarray it = evals//lmbda # Mutation function: with a probability of `mutate_prob`, add a # uniform gaussian random variable multiplied by the current value # of the parameter, with variance `mutate_var`. if seed is None: mutate = lambda x : [e+np.random.normal(0, mutate_var) if np.random.random()<mutate_prob else e for e in x] else: assert isinstance(seed, (int, np.int32, np.int64)), "Expected seed to be <int>, got <{}>".format(type(seed)) rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) mutate = lambda x : [e+rng.normal(0, mutate_var) if rng.random()<mutate_prob else e for e in x] # Set up the initial population. We make the initial population # by mutating X_0. This is not good for explorative search but is # good for exploitative search. P = [(x_0, fitness(x_0))] best = P[0] for _ in range(0, lmbda-1): new = mutate(x_0) fit = fitness(new) if fit < best[1]: best = (new, fit) P.append((new, fit)) for _ in range(0, it): # Find the `mu` best individuals P.sort(key=lambda e : e[1]) Q = P[0:mu] # Copy the parents if we're supposed to P = Q.copy() if copyparents else [] # Create the next generation population for q in Q: for _ in range(0, lmbda//mu): new = mutate(q[0]) fit = fitness(new) if fit < best[1]: best = (new, fit) P.append((new, fit)) return OptimizeResult(x=np.asarray(best[0]), success=True, fun=best[1], nit=it)
#@accepts(Model, Sample, Conditions, Unchecked, Set(["analytical", "numerical", "cn", "implicit", "explicit"])) #@returns(Unchecked) def solve_all_conditions(model, sample=None, condition_combinations=None, method=None): """Solve the model for all relevant conditions. This takes the following parameters (note that there are two legal parameterizations for this function): - `model` - A Model() object - `sample` - A Sample() object which has conditions for each of the required conditions in `model`. Conditions may equivalently be specified via `condition_combinations`. - `condition_combinations` - A list of dicts, where each dict specifies a combination of condition names and values for which to solve the model (the same format as Sample.condition_combinations() outputs). Conditions must be the same as the required conditions in `model`. Conditions may equivalently be specified via `sample`. - `method` - A string describing the solver method. Can be "analytical", "numerical", "cn", "implicit", or "explicit". For each combination of relevant condition-values, this will solve the model for that "condition combination." It returns a dictionary indexed by a frozenset of the condition names and values, with the Solution object as the value, e.g.: {frozenset({('reward', 3)}): <Solution object>, frozenset({('reward', 1)}): <Solution object>} This function will automatically parallelize if set_N_cpus() has been called. """ if sample is not None and condition_combinations is None: conds = sample.condition_combinations(required_conditions=model.required_conditions) elif condition_combinations is not None and sample is None: assert all(set(cond_combo.keys()) == set(model.required_conditions) for cond_combo in condition_combinations) conds = condition_combinations elif condition_combinations is None and sample is None: raise ValueError("Must specify either `sample` or `condition_combinations` for solve_all_conditions().") else: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both `sample` and `condition_combinations` for solve_all_conditions().") if method is None: meth = model.solve elif method == "analytical": meth = model.solve_analytical elif method == "numerical": meth = model.solve_numerical elif method == "cn": meth = model.solve_numerical_cn elif method == "implicit": meth = model.solve_numerical_implicit elif method == "explicit": meth = model.solve_numerical_explicit else: raise ValueError("Invalid method "+method) cache = {} if _parallel_pool is None: # No parallelization for c in conds: cache[frozenset(c.items())] = meth(conditions=c) return cache else: # Parallelize across pool if paranoid_settings.get('enabled') is False: # The *2 makes sure that this runs on all subprocesses, # since you can't broadcast commands to all processes x : paranoid_settings.set(enabled=False), [None]*_parallel_pool.n_cpus*2) sols =, conds, chunksize=1) for c,s in zip(conds, sols): cache[frozenset(c.items())] = s return cache # TODO explicitly test this in unit tests
[docs]@accepts(Model, Maybe(Sample), Maybe(Conditions), Maybe(Set(["analytical", "numerical", "cn", "implicit", "explicit"]))) # @returns(Solution) # This doesn't actually return a solution, only a solution-like object @requires('sample is not None --> all((c in sample.condition_names() for c in model.required_conditions))') @requires('conditions is not None and sample is not None --> all((c in sample.condition_names() for c in conditions))') @requires('conditions is not None and sample is None --> all((c in conditions for c in model.required_conditions))') @requires("method == 'explicit' --> model.can_solve_explicit(conditions=conditions)") @requires("method == 'cn' --> model.can_solve_cn()") def solve_partial_conditions(model, sample=None, conditions=None, method=None): """Solve a model without specifying the value of all conditions This function solves `model` according to the ratio of trials in `sample`. For example, suppose `sample` has 100 trials with high coherence and 50 with low coherence. This will then return a solution with 2/3*(PDF high coherence) + 1/3*(PDF low coherence). This is especially useful when comparing a model to a sample which may have many different conditions. Alternatively, if no sample is available, it will solve all conditions passed in `conditions` in equal ratios. The advantage to this function over Model.solve() is that the former can only handle a single value for each condition, whereas this function accepts can do it lists for condition values as well. The `conditions` variable limits the solution to a subset of `sample` which satisfy `conditions`. The elements of the dictionary `conditions` should be specified either as values or as a list of values. Optionally, `method` describes the solver to use. It can be "analytical", "numerical", "cn" (Crank-Nicolson), "implicit" (backward Euler), "explicit" (forward Euler), or None (auto-detect method). This function will automatically parallelize if set_N_cpus() has been called. """ if conditions is None: conditions = {} T_dur = model.T_dur dt = model.dt if sample: # If a sample is passed, include only the parts of the sample # that satisfy the passed conditions. samp = sample.subset(**conditions) else: # If no sample is passed, create a dummy sample. For this, we # need all of the conditions to be specified in the # "conditions" variable. We then construct a sample with # exactly one element correct and zero elements error for each # potential combinations of conditions. For instance, if # there are two conditions with only one value of each passed # (as scalars), only one element will be created. If each of # these two instead has two values passed (as a list), create # four elements in the sample, etc. assert len(set(model.required_conditions) - set(conditions.keys())) == 0, \ "If no sample is passed, all conditions must be specified" # Build cond_combs as the data matrix iteratively. Initial # value is a correct response with an RT of 1 (as per the # first expected elements of Sample.from_numpy_array(). cond_combs = [[0, 1]] all_conds = list(sorted(conditions.keys())) for c in all_conds: vs = conditions[c] if not isinstance(vs, list): vs = [vs] cond_combs = [cc + [v] for cc in cond_combs for v in vs] # Quick fix for bug with a tuple as a condition and only one set of # conditions if len(cond_combs) == 1: cond_combs = cond_combs + cond_combs samp = Sample.from_numpy_array(np.asarray(cond_combs, dtype=object), all_conds, choice_names=model.choice_names) model_choice_upper = 0*model.t_domain() model_choice_lower = 0*model.t_domain() model_undec = -1 # Set to dummy value -1 so we can detect this in our loop # If we have an overlay, this function should not calculate the # (incorrect) undecided probability if not isinstance(model.get_dependence("overlay"), OverlayNone): model_undec = None all_conds = solve_all_conditions(model, sample=samp, method=method) for conds in samp.condition_combinations(required_conditions=model.required_conditions): subset = samp.subset(**conds) sol = all_conds[frozenset(conds.items())] model_choice_upper += len(subset)/len(samp)*sol.pdf(model.choice_names[0]) model_choice_lower += len(subset)/len(samp)*sol.pdf(model.choice_names[1]) # We can't get the size of the undecided pdf until we have a # specific set of conditions. Once we do, if the simulation # method doesn't support an undecided probability, set it to # None. If it does, add it together, making sure they are # always the same size. (They may not be the same size if the # bound depends on a parameter.) If they are ever not the # same size, set it to None rather than trying to align them. if sol.undec is not None and isinstance(model_undec, int) and model_undec == -1: model_undec = len(subset)/len(samp)*sol.pdf_undec() if sol.undec is not None and model_undec is not None and len(model_undec) == len(sol.undec): model_undec += len(subset)/len(samp)*sol.pdf_undec() else: model_undec = None sol = Solution(model_choice_upper*model.dt, model_choice_lower*model.dt, model, conditions={}, pdf_undec=model_undec) sol.partial_conditions = conditions return sol
[docs]@accepts(Model) @returns(Boolean) def hit_boundary(model): """Returns True if any Fitted objects are close to their min/max value""" components_list = [model.get_dependence("drift"), model.get_dependence("noise"), model.get_dependence("bound"), model.get_dependence("IC"), model.get_dependence("overlay")] hit = False for component in components_list: for param_name in component.required_parameters: pv = getattr(component, param_name) # Parameter value in the object if isinstance(pv, Fitted): if (pv - pv.minval)/(pv.maxval-pv.minval) < .01: # No abs because pv always > pv.minval _logger.warning("%s hit the lower boundary of %f with value %f" % (param_name, pv.minval, pv)) hit = True if (pv.maxval-pv)/(pv.maxval-pv.minval) < .01: # No abs because pv.maxval always > pv _logger.warning("%s hit the lower boundary of %f with value %f" % (param_name, pv.maxval, pv)) hit = True return hit
[docs]@accepts(Fittable) @returns(Boolean) def dependence_hit_boundary(pv): """Returns True if a Fitted instance has hit the boundary. Fitted instances may have minimum or maximum values attached to them. If it does, and if it has gotten close to this min/max while fitting, return True. Otherwise, or if the value is not a Fitted object, return False. """ if isinstance(pv, Fitted): if (pv - pv.minval)/(pv.maxval-pv.minval) < .01: # No abs because pv always > pv.minval return True if (pv.maxval-pv)/(pv.maxval-pv.minval) < .01: # No abs because pv.maxval always > pv return True return False
[docs]def display_model(model, print_output=True): """A readable way to display models. `model` should be any Model object. Prints a description of the model, and does not return anything. """ OUT = "" assert isinstance(model, Model), "Invalid model" # Separate the code to display a single component so we can reuse # it to display the components of chains (e.g. OverlayChain). def display_component(component, prefix=""): OUT = "" OUT += prefix+"%s" % + "\n" fixed = [] fitted = [] fittable = [] if len(component.required_parameters) == 0: OUT += prefix+"(No parameters)" + "\n" for param_name in component.required_parameters: pv = getattr(component, param_name) # Parameter value in the object if isinstance(pv, Fitted): if dependence_hit_boundary(pv): fitted.append(prefix+"- %s: %f (WARNING: AT BOUNDARY)" % (param_name, pv)) else: fitted.append(prefix+"- %s: %f" % (param_name, pv)) elif isinstance(pv, Fittable): fittable.append(prefix+"- %s: Fittable (default %f)" % (param_name, pv.default())) else: fixed.append(prefix+"- %s: %f" % (param_name, pv)) for t,vs in [("Fixed", fixed), ("Fitted", fitted), ("Fittable", fittable)]: if len(vs) > 0: OUT += prefix+t+" parameters:" + "\n" for v in vs: OUT += v + "\n" return OUT # Start displaying the model information OUT += ("Model %s information:\n" % if != "" else "Model information:" + "\n" OUT += "Choices: '%s' (upper boundary), '%s' (lower boundary)\n" % model.choice_names for component in model.dependencies: OUT += "%s component %s:" % (component.depname, type(component).__name__) + "\n" if isinstance(component, OverlayChain): for o in component.overlays: OUT += " %s component %s:" % (o.depname, type(o).__name__) + "\n" OUT += display_component(o, prefix=" ") else: OUT += display_component(component, prefix=" ") if not isinstance(model.fitresult, FitResultEmpty): OUT += "Fit information:\n" OUT += " Loss function: %s\n" % model.fitresult.loss OUT += " Loss function value: %s\n" % model.fitresult.value() OUT += " Fitting method: %s\n" % model.fitresult.fitting_method OUT += " Solver: %s\n" % ("forward Euler" if model.fitresult.method == "explicit" \ else "backward Euler" if model.fitresult.method == "implicit" \ else "Crank-Nicoloson" if model.fitresult.method == "cn" \ else model.fitresult.method) OUT += " Other properties:\n" for p,v in OUT += " - %s: %s\n" % (p,repr(v)) if not print_output: return OUT else: print(OUT)