Shinn et al. (2020) - A flexible framework for simulating and fitting generalized drift-diffusion models

Read the paper

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Roitman and Shadlen (2002) model

This model is given in the quick start guide.

Evans and Hawkins (2019) model

First, download the Evans and Hawkins (2019) data.. Then, run the code below to fit the model.

import ddm
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fit_roitman_models as mods

subj_dfs = []
# 0s delay first
for subj in range(1, 12):
    for session in range(1, 11):
        subj_df = pandas.read_csv(f"humanmonkey/Data/0s_Delay/Sub{subj:02}_Ses{session:02}.txt", sep="\t", header=6)
        subj_df['subject'] = subj
        subj_df['session'] = session
        subj_df['delay'] = 0

# 1s delay next
for subj in range(12, 22):
    for session in range(1, 11):
        subj_df = pandas.read_csv(f"humanmonkey/Data/1s_Delay/Sub{subj:02}_Ses{session:02}.txt", sep="\t", header=6)
        subj_df['subject'] = subj
        subj_df['session'] = session
        subj_df['delay'] = 1

df = pandas.concat(subj_dfs)

# Do the preprocessing described in Evans and Hawkins (2019): remove
# RTs greater than 7s, remove the first block of each subject, and
# remove the first session of what is presumably subject 6 (who had
# the lowest accuracy on the first session).
df = df.query('RT <= 7000 and blkNum > 1 and not (subject == 6 and session == 1)')

# Let's get a baseline fit of the GDDM.  We'll pool all the data.

# First, get ready to convert it to a sample object
df['coh' ] = df['percentCoherence']/100
df['RTsec'] = df['RT']/1000

# We take only the delay == 0 trials, since these are presumably
# better fit by a non-collapsing bounds model and are "typical" RT
# data.
sample = ddm.Sample.from_pandas_dataframe(df.query('delay == 0')[['coh', 'RTsec', 'correct']], 'RTsec', 'correct')

m = ddm.Model(drift=mods.DriftNLCoherenceLeak(driftcoh=ddm.Fittable(minval=0, maxval=15, default=9),
                                              leak=ddm.Fittable(minval=-5, maxval=5, default=-1), # Both leaky and unstable integration
                                              power=ddm.Fittable(minval=.5, maxval=1.5, default=1), # Exponent for coherence -> drift nonlinearity
                                              maxcoh=.4), # We don't need to fit this, just use the maximum coherence in the dataset
              bound=ddm.BoundCollapsingExponential(B=ddm.Fittable(minval=0.4, maxval=1.5, default=.7),
                                                   tau=ddm.Fittable(minval=.0001, maxval=5, default=.05)),
              overlay=ddm.OverlayChain(overlays=[ddm.OverlayNonDecision(nondectime=ddm.Fittable(minval=.1, maxval=.5, default=.4)),
              dx=.01, dt=.01, T_dur=7)

fit_model = ddm.fit_adjust_model(sample, m)